I'm thinking about trying this anyone else? My hair loss is from being on the mini pill too long that only contains progestin & no estrogen. It's been 5 months off this pill and the shed is CRAZY! Do u think this product NuHair I've been reading that gets "rid" of the bad testosterone might work? any advice appreciated
I haven't triedNu-Gro products, but I definitely heard of it. It seems like it works from all the Youtube videos I've seen.
Hi everyone. I'm new to the site BUT NOT to hair loss. I'm unsure of what type of hair loss I'm suffering from but I can absolutely, full heartedly relate to the emotional roller coaster you/we all are going through. My hair shed kept me away from work, inside the house for weeks, depression, embarrassment, its debilitating and I want to thank everyone who's posted for sharing their intimate details in regards to their hair loss~it's SUCKS~(for lack of a better word) I haven't tried NuHair but I am trying Viviscal and it seems to be helping. I did stop it for a while, tired of taking shit and not seeing exactly what I want, my hair to grow back, stop falling and NOW. Ya, lol, doesn't work that way! That said, I've re-started the "program" one all natural supplement twice a day, I am seeing hair growth around my *hairline, more on one side of my head than the other, my eyelashes and brows seem to be positively affected too BUT I did suffer some acne in my T zone and being 40, that wasn't exactly something I enjoyed...I now wash my face twice a day (I used to use a milk cleanser and cotton pads to cleanse my face) and I use a LaRoche and Posay skin cream, no more acne... (I won't elaborate (unless I'm asked) but I did lose half of my hair due to something else five or six years ago and I took (religiously) Silica Gel, Vit.C, Biotin, Selenium, Folic acid, excercised regularly, drank lots of water and before I knew it, BACK THEN, my hair grew back with a vengeance)