Natural Treatments for Alopecia Areata

Discussion in 'Treatments' started by alilou, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. alilou

    alilou New Member

    I am 28 years old and was recently diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. Over the past 2 months I've lost about 50% of my hair. I am kind of at a loss about what to do about it as I still don't know what was the instigating factor in causing it to start to begin with. I really want to stay away from the injected corticosteroids or systemic corticosteroids as long term use of those have negative side effects. Are there any natural or non-prescription products that work well? Also, I have heard the shedding of hair occurs in phases. How long does it last? It has been 2 months and it does not seem to be slowing down or getting better. I would rather try and treat it naturally without using prescription medications as I have very poor medical insurance and do not like to use medications unless absolutely necessary. Any help would be very welcome!!
  2. shasha1

    shasha1 Member

    I just posted a comment on another thread. My friend told me her cousin had AA, and the only thing that worked to grow his hair back was onion juice. He put onoin juice on his hair everynight for three months and he got alot of his hair back. she said he tried all prescription meds. Maybe you want to try it, but you have to be diligent and patient..for minimum of three months.
  3. alilou

    alilou New Member

    thanks for the response. i'll maybe try it out. i'm just so apprehensive about trying something too permanent so maybe something natural like you recommended would be nice. i went to a salon that specializes in custom hair pieces yesterday and broke down in tears when she recommended that for my case she would recommend a topper. i was hoping maybe it wasn't that severe. :(
  4. pawandindia

    pawandindia New Member

    For hair loss

    My friend have also same problem regarding hair. But somebody told him about advanced hair studio which is deals in all type of hair problems. He treated himself from Adanced hair studio and today he is very happy with his hair.
  5. Reha

    Reha Member

    Black tea consumption and food stuff containing omega 3 lessen hair thinning.
  6. Julia David

    Julia David Member

    Alopecia can be caused by many factors from genetics to drugs. Alopecia Areta frequently in people who have affected family members, suggesting that heredity may be a factor. I believe herbal oil are the best treatment of alopecia and can well handle the situation and this would be side effect free.